Student Councils
Be an agent of change.
Your actions have great impact. Change is possible, and you can make it happen.
There are so many ways that you can get your school involved in the work being done by the Education Foundation of Ottawa. Your student council is already doing great things in your school – here’s an opportunity to extend that reach to schools across our city by taking a stand against poverty.
How to get involved.
Get Informed about
the need in your school.
Students in Crisis
Clothes, school supplies, medication, and other basic needs.
Emergency assistance for those who need it most, when it’s needed most.
Food Security
Students are coming to school hungry, without enough food to last them for the school day.
Others, don’t have enough food at home. You can help us by securing food for hungry bellies.
Active Living and Opportunity
Your peers deserve the same opportunities. With support they would otherwise be unable to participate in extracurricular activities, arts programming, school trips, and competitions. Every child deserves a chance to shine.
Get Together and invite the
Education Foundation of Ottawa
to speak to your group.
What challenges are children and youth facing?
Have someone come and speak to your school.
Spread the Word
These are some of the students who have been helped.
Share how the Education Foundation of Ottawa makes a difference in your school every day.
Get Active and plan
a fundraising event.
Toonie Tuesday
$2 can help transform a life.
You can support this annual event in your school.