Backpacks and supplies – Tools for Learning
Our Backpack “Tools for Learning” Program falls under our Students in Crisis umbrella. Many students go to school in September without a backpack or necessary schools supplies.
Some families have to choose between paying rent, feeding their kids, or buying a backpack with supplies. Average costs of packs and supplies run between $25 and $50. Did you know that more than 2500 OCDSB students start the school year off without a backpack or school supplies? With many thanks to corporate and individual donors, we are able to distribute almost 3000 backpacks to students in need in June; this way their caregivers will have one less thing to worry about.
Our Tools for Learning Program helps ensure these students and their families are provided with a backpack full of supplies to start the school year.
Please click here to DONATE; you can help by making a gift and filling a backpack.
Here’s what may go inside the backpack you are helping to purchase:
- Pencils
- Crayons
- Pencil Crayons
- Erasers
- Glue sticks
- Markers
- Highlighters
- Duotangs
- Paper
- Ruler
- Pens
- Round tip scissors
- Lined Notebooks
- Calculator (secondary school)
- Math set (secondary school)